Strider Costume

Aragorn as Strider The price of this costume varies depending on the materials used and the number of pieces included. The least expensive version includes a grey shirt (without smocking) or a dark red shirt (without leather trim at the neckline), black microsuede fabric pants, a fake leather duster and a fake suede jerkin.

The most expensive version includes a grey linen or cotton shirt with smocking at the shoulders or a dark red linen shirt with leather trim, black microsuede fabric pants, leather duster, suede jerkin, glove, and modified Minnetonka boots.

Both versions come distressed and dirtied. Combinations of items can be chosen - it is easy to customize this outfit! Additionally, I can provide a quiver and belt on request, and can make the Fellowship cloak from almost any fabric you wish.

Cost: $400 - $800

Click here for a detailed description of how I made this costume and more photos.

Action figures of Strider
Photos from books and the internet
Costume gallery on LotR: Fellowship of the Ring Extended Edition DVD
LotR Costumes at Alley Cat Scratch

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